Le Journal of Frailty & Aging publie des articles pour améliorer les connaissances dans le domaine de la sarcopénie et fragilité
*The need to implement frailty in the international classification of disease (ICD)
J. Muscedere
Special articles
* ICFSR Task Force perspective on biomarkers for sarcopenia and frailty
Rodriguez-Mañas, I. Araujo de Carvalho, S. Bhasin, H.A. Bischoff-Ferrari, M. Cesari, W. Evans, J.M. Hare, M. Pahor, A. Parini, Y. Rolland, R.A. Fielding, J. Walston, B. Vellas, and the ICFSR Task Force
* Clinically meaningful change for physical performance: perspectives of the ICFSR Task Force
Guralnik, K. Bandeen-Roche, S.A.R. Bhasin, S. Eremenco, F. Landi, J. Muscedere, S. Perera, J.-Y. Reginster, L. Woodhouse, B. Vellas, and the ICFSR Task Force
* Moving towards common data elements and core outcome measures in frailty research
Muscedere, J. Afilalo, I. Araujo de Carvalho, M. Cesari, A. Clegg, H.E. Eriksen, K.R. Evans, G. Heckman, J.P. Hirdes, P.M. Kim, B. Laffon, J. Lynn, F. Martin, J.C. Prorok, K. Rockwood, L. Rodrigues Mañas, D. Rolfson, G. Shaw, B. Shea, S. Sinha, O. Theou, P. Tugwell, V. Valdiglesias, B. Vellas, N. Veronese, L.M.K. Wallace, P.R. Williamson, For the Canadian Frailty Network
Physical frailty
* Muscle strength as a predictor of gait variability after two years in community-living older adults
Bogen, R. Moe-Nilssen, M.K. Aaslund, A.H. Ranhoff
* Neuromuscular attributes are associated with poor mobility in older adults with vascular risk conditions
A.J. Jor’dan, M.E. Jacob, E. Leritz, J.F. Bean
* Obesity definitions in sarcopenic obesity: differences in prevalence, agreement and association with muscle function
E.Q. Khor, J.P. Lim, L. Tay, A. Yeo, S. Yew, Y.Y. Ding, W.S. Lim
* The use of posturography in investigating the risk of falling in frail or prefrail older people with diabetes
Domergue, L. Rodríguez-Mañas, O. Laosa Zafra, K. Hood, D. Gasq, S. Regueme, A.J. Sinclair, I. Bourdel-Marchasson
Clinics and public health
* Contribution of protein intake and concurrent exercise to skeletal muscle quality with aging
N.D. Dicks, C.J. Kotarsky, K.A. Trautman, A.M. Barry, J.F. Keith, S. Mitchell, W. Byun, S.N. Stastny, K.J. Hackney
Clinical trials
* Circulating interleukin-6 is associated with skeletal muscle strength, quality, and functional adaptation with exercise training in mobility-limited older adults
G.J. Grosicki, B.B. Barrett, D.A. Englund, C. Liu, T.G. Travison, T. Cederholm, A. Koochek, Å. von Berens, T. Gustafsson, T. Benard, K.F. Reid, R.A. Fielding
* ICSFR: 10th International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research. March 11-13, 2020, Toulouse – France
Oral Communications